Dealer Vehicle Licenses

Cars Parked in a Driveway

People who engage in the business of selling vehicles, whether exclusively or in addition to another occupation, are required to have a motor vehicle dealer license. All businesses must become licensed with the Motor Vehicle Division before any sales transactions occur. An initial violation of this requirement is a Class 2 misdemeanor. A second or subsequent violation is a Class 1 misdemeanor. No person may act as, offer to act as, or hold himself or herself out to be a broker. A violation of this requirement is a Class 2 misdemeanor.

To see a complete list of licensed motor vehicle dealers, click on the link below.

New Licenses

Before a dealer’s license may be issued the Dealer License Application must be submitted to the Motor Vehicle Division. The actual (paper) dealer license is issued for a 5-year period, unless canceled or revoked for cause by the Motor Vehicles Division; however, each year, a License Renewal Notice and Billing is sent out by the division approximately 3 months before the expiration of the license. Failure to renew a dealer license before its expiration will result in the dealer being charged the same fee as the initial license fee.

New License Fees

License Renewal Process

ATV in Nature

The actual (paper) dealer license is issued for a 5-year period, unless canceled or revoked for cause by the Motor Vehicles Division; however, each year, a License Renewal Notice and Billing is sent, either electronic or paper form, by the division approximately 3 months before the expiration of the license. The License Renewal Notice contains all important data on file relative to the dealership. A dealer that is exempt from the requirements of using an online system, must then sign and return the renewal notice to their local county treasurer by the deadline date shown on the Notice and Billing. Payment of the annual dealer renewal license fee and dealer plate fees must accompany the License Renewal Notice and Billing. A dealer utilizing the online system will file and pay their renewal electronically.

Renewal License Fees

In the event a dealer possesses more than one type of dealer license, the dealer must renew all the licenses during the license renewal month assigned to the dealer. Failure to renew a dealer license before the expiration date will result in the dealer being assessed the same fee as the initial license fee.

(if submitted before the expiration of the license)


The Motor Vehicle Division provides one-on-one training and will do special request training. Our agents offer training for new car dealers every other year, as well as training for the counties and auto dealers.

Dealer Agents

Dealer agents answer dealer business questions, provide training and instruction on compliance and procedures, enforce laws and regulations, investigate complaints and violations, conducts inspections and more.

(605) 367-5830