Legal Services Staff Association Ratifies Contract With Significant Equity Gains

The Legal Services Staff Association, NOLSW/UAW 2320 (LSSA), has settled its union contract with employer Legal Services NYC (LSNYC). With 90% of members participating, the contract was ratified by 80% voting yes. This 2021-2024 contract brings significant advances in salary scale equity for LSNYC's lowest paid members as well as improvements in work from home, health care, reimbursements, layoff protections, and many more. LSSA represents secretaries, paralegals, receptionists, process servers, social workers, attorneys and other non-management employees who serve low income people and communities throughout New York City in civil legal matters.

Of particular note, LSSA achieved a fundamental change to the structure of salary scales that results in an average 10.8% raise in the first year of the contract for the primarily BIPOC staff on the six lowest paid pay scales. Staff on higher pay scales received a 2% increase in the first contract year. While more equity work remains to be done, this is a significant first step and structural change that LSSA will build on in future rounds of bargaining. Follow LSSA on Twitter.
