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Instructions to Convert PIO card to OCI Card

Instructions to Convert PIO Card to OCI Card

As per extant instruction, all the existing PIO Cardholders as on 9th January 2015 shall be deemed to be OCI Cardholders. However, it is strongly recommended that all persons having valid PIO cards apply for conversion of PIO to OCI card.

For more details on OCI to apply please visit VFS website : VFS (https://services.vfsglobal.com/usa/en/ind/apply-oci-services)

The Bureau of Immigration will accept PIO cards as valid travel document till 31st December, 2022, along with valid foreign passport. Indian Immigration Check Post(s) will continue to consider all PIO cards valid for exit/entry from/into India till 31st December, 2022. The extension of timeline is subject to the condition that in the meantime if any deadline is notified by the ICAO, thereby making hand written PIO cards invalid, then PIO cardholders would have to obtain appropriate visa from India Missions/Posts abroad.

All PIO cardholders are meanwhile advised to convert their PIO cards to OCI cards well in time.

Any request for conversion of PIO card to OCI card will attract a fee of $100. The fees for issuance of fresh OCI cards will remain as US $275.

OCI in lieu of PIO card process detail is also available at VFS Global.

(a) OCI card is a smart card;

(b) Possession of an OCI card will facilitate quicker immigration clearance at the Immigration Check Posts;

(c) It will help in obtaining various Consular Services from the Indian Missions;

(d) For those who are resident in India, it will facilitate in availing various services in India.